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Hello Dolly

@ Arts Center of Cannon County 2018

Hello Dolly

Hello Dolly opened 2 November 2018

    Photos are being collected! Please enjoy the ones I have added and check back soon for more :)

This show was quite a challenge i have to say. When we first started I was told that my focus was Dolly and making her look as good as she possibly can. With the actress being of small stature standing at 4'11" (1" from being a legal little person) and having certain ways that things could fit and they way she preferred things to fit, it was going to be a challenge to begin with. After a week of rehearsals, I was approached by a cast member and was told that I was the only costumer working on the show and I would need to make sure everyone was dressed. This, of course, made me panic a little. Thanks to the handy work of the very talented cast and a resourceful director, everything came together in time. 

    The cast was made up of 21 ladies and gentleman, most of which had at least one outfit change and many of the leads had two. Along with coordinating many of the ensemble costumes, I made "Dolly's" Red and Purple dresses from the bottom up. The purple dress was worn all of Act 1 and really set the mood for the character. Dolly is a very over eccentric widow that likes to meddle to make money. This outfit is a high necked top with 3/4 length shear puff sleeves and shoulder pads (requested by the actress), edited from a Simplicity pattern. It has a separating zipper down the back with faux buttons to give a more period appropriate look. The skirt is four-paneled with a small train and zipper in the back. The red dress was the wow factor of the show so it needed to be LOUD. It was a two piece that included a floor length skirt with a walking train and a faux corset bodice. I say "faux" because it wasn't a proper corset, but it was made similar to one, and even included a lace up back. Dolly's white dress was bought online and came in much too large for her small stature, so the skirt was shortened, the sleeves were also shortened, taken in, in the width, and taken in around the shoulders. The skirt was a trick as the change from red to white was a quick change, the white skirt had to be worn on top of the red bodice and would slide down during her scene. I added straps but because of her stature and lack of collarbones made it hard for them to stay up, with all cross in the strap in the back solved that problem. Along with Dolly's outfits, I dyed Ermengarde's first dress from a light, dingy blue to a darker much more vibrant blue. I also added a lace up back so that it would fit the actress better, along with a big bow and "belt" to better fit he character.

   Overall I would probably not put myself through this same experience again, because it was very stressful. However, a lot of the stress could have been avoided with better communication going both way. I don't think I would have been able to get everything together if it wasn't for the amazing cast that was willing to buy their own costumes, travel an hour away to rent costumes for themselves and others, and a couple amazing ladies that helped out in every way they could. I was mentioned in the review of this show and could not be happier, if you would like to read the review it will be linked below.

Dolly's Hats by Chapel Hats

Photos by myself and John Goodwin Photography 

Review of Hello Dolly by Broadway World

To see some photos of the processes I used and went through, please enjoy the Making of Hello Dolly.

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